
Type-based, i.e. statically checked, units of measurement.

A quantity is a wrapper struct around an arbitrary value type, parametrized with a certain unit. A unit is basically little more than a marker type to keep different kinds of quantities apart, but might additionally have an associated name and symbol string, and – more more importantly – define conversions to other units. While all of the possible conversions must be defined statically for type-checking, arbitrary callables are supported for actually converting the values, which do not necessarily need to be evauatable at compile time.

Conversions only happen if explicitly requested and there is no different internal representation of values – for example 1 * kilo(metre) is stored just as 1 in memory, not as 1000 or relative to any other »canonical unit«.

On top of the template core of the module, to which units are types only, a layer making use of »dummy« unit instances with operators defined on them makes it possible to work with quantities and units in a natural way, such that the actual unit types never need to be user directly in client code (see the example below).

In the design of this module, the explicit concept of dimensions does not appear, because it would add a fair amount of complication to both the interface and the implementation for little benefit. Rather, the notion is established implicitly by defining conversions between pairs of units – to see if two units share the same dimension, just check for convertibility.

The std.si module defines SI prefixes and units for use with this module.


module experimental.units.si

International System of Units (SI) units and prefixes for use with std.units.



enum UnitString

Possible string representations of units.

eponymoustemplate baseUnit(string name, string symbol = null)

Shordhand for creating a basic unit with a name and a symbol, and no conversions defined.


auto affine(U u)

An affine unit – the most common case being a unit that is related to other units representing the same physical quantity not by a scale factor, but by a shift in the zero point.

auto convert(Q q)

Converts a quantity to another unit.

bool isConvertibleTo(Q q)

Checks whether a quantity is convertible to a certain unit.

auto pow(U u)

Raises a unit instance to a given power.

auto pow(Q q)

Raises a quantity to a given power.

Manifest constants

enum dimensionless;

A special unit used to represent dimensionless quantities.

Mixin templates

mixintemplate DefinePrefixSystem(alias System)

Mixin template for creating prefix functions for all the prefixes in a prefix system. See PrefixedUnit and prefixTemplate.

mixintemplate UnitImpl()

Mixin template containing the implementation of the unit instance operators.


struct AffineUnit(BaseUnit, alias toBaseOffset, string name, string symbol = null)

An affine unit – the most common case being a unit that is related to other units representing the same physical quantity not by a scale factor, but by a shift in the zero point.

struct BaseUnit(string name, string symbol = null)

Shordhand for creating a basic unit with a name and a symbol, and no conversions defined.

struct BaseUnitExp(B, R)

A pair of a (base) unit and a compile-time rational exponent.

struct Conversion(T, alias R, alias I)

A conversion »link« to a target unit, consisting of a callable converting a value to the target, and one for converting it back.

struct Dimensionless

A special unit used to represent dimensionless quantities.

struct Prefix

A named prefix, part of a PrefixSystem.

struct PrefixedUnit(BaseUnit, int exponent, alias System)

A unit with a scaling prefix applied, e.g. kilo(metre).

struct Quantity(Unit, ValueType = double)

A quantity consisting of a value and an associated unit of measurement.

struct ScaledUnit(BaseUnit, alias toBaseFactor, string name, string symbol = null)

Shorthands for defining base units with a single conversion factor to another base unit.


template AffineUnit(alias baseUnit, alias toBaseOffset, string name, string symbol = null)

An affine unit – the most common case being a unit that is related to other units representing the same physical quantity not by a scale factor, but by a shift in the zero point.

template Conversion(alias t, alias R, alias I)

A conversion »link« to a target unit, consisting of a callable converting a value to the target, and one for converting it back.

template DerivedUnit(T...)

Constructs a derived unit, consisting of a number of base units and associated exponents.

template Difference(Lhs, Rhs)

The difference between two compile-time rational numbers.

template PrefixSystem(long systemBase, alias getPrefixes)

A prefix system, used with PrefixedUnit.

template PrefixedUnit(BaseUnit, int exponent, alias System)
template PrefixedUnit(alias baseUnit, int exponent, alias System)

A unit with a scaling prefix applied, e.g. kilo(metre).

template Product(Lhs, Rhs)

The product of two compile-time rational numbers.

template Quantity(alias unit, ValueType = double)

A quantity consisting of a value and an associated unit of measurement.

template Rational(int n, uint d = 1u)

A compile-time rational number.

template ScaledUnit(alias baseUnit, alias toBaseFactor, string name, string symbol = null)

Shorthands for defining base units with a single conversion factor to another base unit.

template Sum(Lhs, Rhs)

The sum of two compile-time rational numbers.

template isRational(T)
Undocumented in source.
template prefixTemplate(int exponent, alias System)

Shorthand for defining prefix templates like kilo!().

template scale(alias baseUnit, alias toBaseFactor, string name, string symbol = null)

Shorthands for defining base units with a single conversion factor to another base unit.


int fooToMile;
Undocumented in source.


enum foo = baseUnit!("foo", "f");
enum bar = scale!(foo, 21, "bar", "b");

auto a = 2 * bar;
assert(convert!foo(a) == 42 * foo);


  • Integration with the rest of Phobos (std.datetime, std.math, …)
  • Replace the proof-of-concept unit conversion implementation with an optimized one – currently some unneeded function calls are generated.
  • For scale/ScaledUnit, use runtime rational/two longs instead of double conversion per default, to avoid precision issues?
  • Benchmark quantity operations vs. plain value type operations.
  • Make quantities of the same unit implicitly convertible if the value types are – e.g. via ImplicitConversionTargets once multiple alias this statements are allowed.
  • Are multiple conversion targets for a unit really needed? Disallowing that would remove some odd corner cases.
  • Just forward Quantity instanciations with unit dimensionless to the value type altogether to avoid the current limitations regarding alias this?
